Help us grow! Let us provide adventures for you!
Leovaunt Game Design has been around for several years now and has been growing with the help of the community. We are very open to community advice and feedback, as we are building the game not only for you, but WITH you.
Now we have a patreon page so that we can continue to provide this service for the community, and continue to craft great games for the community. No matter whether you donate or not, every creation of the Leovaunt Game Design will be free to the community, both due to my personal preference and intellectual property laws. You can check out our patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/join/leovauntgamedesign?
We have big plans on how we want to expand Leovaunt Game Design. The following are just a few things we are looking at going forward.
-As many as 4 or more major supplements for the Starcraft RPG.
-A 30 level campaign for Starcraft, detailing the adventures of a group of terran characters going through the events of Wings of Liberty.
-Starcraft RPG Character Builder
-Commissioned artwork by Deviant Artists
-Warcraft Roleplaying game supported for the long term.
-Other small roleplaying game products. Our current patreon support has already unlocked Halo as the next free game system.
I want to remind you; no matter what, all content will be free. Even patron specific content will be released for free eventually. Patrons will get the ability to shape the game moving forward, vote on what content gets worked on, and gain sneak peek access to what we are doing and the ability to help perfect the game.