Leovaunt's Starcraft Roleplaying game
The StarCraft Roleplaying Game was the first game designed and published for Leovaunt Game Design. The project starting in 2010, it has received dozens of update, one full version reset, and thousands of hours of in-depth playtesting. The game is a deep, tactical roleplaying game experience with a powerful character creation experience and an open roleplaying structure so you can play it how you want. Across its many supplements, the StarCraft Roleplaying Game offers completely different but compatible rules for playing the many sentient species in the Koprulu Sector, from Terrans and Psychic Terrans, four different tribes of Protoss, and three different forms of Zerg including Infested, Primals, and Broodmothers.
StarCraft Roleplaying Game Core Supplement 1: The Zerg Swarm
Last Updated 3/20/2024
All the rules for including the predatory zerg into your StarCraft adventures, including rules for playing Infested Terran characters. Plenty of zerg creatures to battle in your games, from the Aberration to the Zergling.

StarCraft Roleplaying Game Core Supplement 2: Advanced Terran Training Manual
Last Updated 3/20/2024
Expanded rules for terran and psionic terrans in the StarCraft RPG, including new specializations, equipment, vehicles, talents, and more. Dozens of new premade terran-themed NPCs to include in your games of StarCraft.

Starcraft Roleplaying Game Core Supplement 5:
The End War
Last Updated 3/20/2024
The guidebook for the ultimate StarCraft conflict: the End War. Serves as a massive expanded player supplement for protoss, guidebook for End War campaigns, and massive bestiary for protoss, hybrid, and other void entities.

Starcraft Roleplaying Game Core Supplement 6:
Fire and Fury
Last Updated 3/20/2024
A supplement focusing on higher level game play. Options for every playable race, including the new Broodmother race. Optional rules for every level of game. Capital ships and mass combat. Plenty of high level NPCs. Everything you need to bring epic warfare to your StarCraft RPG games.

StarCraft Roleplaying Game Expansions
StarCraft Expansions are bonus rules and content for the StarCraft roleplaying game that expand upon the core supplements.