I've seen the additions that you've made to talents and psionic abilities to replace them, but what was the reasoning behind removing the unique movement skills from the 1st edition to the 2nd edition for the Zerg? I rather enjoyed the ability to keep up with vehicles if one was to afford the skill point investment. And with the further restriction on skill points in 2nd edition, it would help spread out skills further for zerg, especially with their already shortened skill list due to play style.
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You made fair points when dealing with pilot and zerg. And I agree that there is no need for really utilizing the skill in of itself for normal zerg or otherwise. Glad to hear my favorite race is getting more customization options as well! The idea was an off the wall one to see if I could help you develop more ideas for when it comes to skill usage. As for the infested vehicles and constructs, I must have read the section wrong because it seemed to indicate the infested targets became autonomous rather then just becoming usable by infested terrans. And I'll be honest, every time I've infested things in the video game, I always assumed the pilot or occupants for them became part of it, and functioned only as a "brain", rather then being interchangeable. If a vehicle or building was empty, I'd figured the virus simply grew itself a brain to replace and remove the need for a pilot.
The only other real skill usage that I can see is if you brought back the poison lists from the 1st edition. Science and/or Medicine would go far with those, opening new avenues for talents/mutations. With your noted suppress mutations for Agents, a possible unique poison for them could receive could have enhancing effects for influence rolls while they are under cover, while adding more synergy and play for those of an infested party who cant be out and about during such play. Cant detect a poison as easily if it's of an unknown composition!