Protoss Heavy Power Suit...
Description: This is the armor of choice for protoss warriors and zealots. It is protective and augments the wearer’s strength
and speed, while also having some excellent options for customization and having built in psi-blades to the armor’s bracers.
Like all Protoss gear, it is highly ornate, and these armors are often passed down through warrior lineages.
Aside from changing your crystals, what customization? Also, do you count this as having two Psi Blades built-in? If so, that is a steal for 60 honor, and a level 3 Protoss can afford it nicely.
Sorry for the late response.
Heavy Power Suit USED to give two free psi blades as part of it, back in the 1st edition of the game. It was also about 100-120 honor to purchase at the time. Since then, I have updated it so it does not have the psi blades built in, to promote characters to use their own weapon options in case they want to fight with something other than regular psi blades. The mention of psi-blades in the fluff description is a hold over from 1st edition that was not properly updated in 2nd.
The customization mentioned in the fluff is not mechanical, but cosmetic. The armor can have a variety of looks and appearances, designed differently for various tribes and factions, but as you said has a lot of options for augmentation crystals. I'm sorry for the confusion. I will try to rewrite that fluff section to be less misleading.