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StarCraft Update 9/19/2018


This month’s update is now live! This month we are focused largely on balance updates to deal with long standing issues. Some pretty major changes are in here, so take a look. In addition, there is new content in the form of two new Paragons of the Galaxy!

*Major* The Paragon’s of the Galaxy supplement has been updated with two new characters based on patreon votes: Nova Terra and Overqueen Zagara!

*Major* The ability score maximum value based on level is now a hard cap. Therefore, specializations and other racial features cannot bring you above your maximum value. This is something I thought a long time before doing, but there was too many balance issues originating from ‘creative’ order of operations for designing characters, and something had to be done.

Now, if you gain an ability score that would put you above your maximum value, you simply gain a point in another non-maximum stat of your choice.

-The Awesome Abilities tree of talents now has a high level requirement (16/24/30). This is to further prevent the exploitation of high stats for characters.

-The Twin-linked weapon upgrade now only applies to vehicle weapons. A new upgrade, Linked Fire, now replaces twin-linked for handheld weapons.

-The Stun weapon trait now requires a hit against toughness to stagger, and a hit against toughness and defense to stun. This makes the stagger effect more difficult to apply against large enemies who would be more resistant to stunning effects.

-Power strike no longer gives bonus accuracy equal to half or full strength. The new Mighty Blow talent has removed that need.

-The Mighty Blow talent now gives +1 accuracy with heavy strikes per rank and +2 damage with charges per rank

Terran Changes

-Slugger specialization now gives +3 accuracy, +1 power rating, and +2 pen with chosen weapons instead of previous bonuses.

-Gunslinger specialization has been reduced to +2 damage per extra strike, no scaling

-The Engineer specialization has more details on how the turret works. In addition, all examples of the engineer turret now lists what ammunition types are default for the weapon.

-There is a new weapon upgrade to replace twin-linked for handheld weapons: linked fire. Linked fire empowers automatic fire methods. Suppressing and area burst fire gain Hailfire (+1). Focused bursts and saturation fire gain +10 accuracy.

-The terran personal protective barrier has ½ the shield pool it used to have and has 0 shield armor.

Protoss Psionics

- Shadow Barrage (void variant of Psionic Missiles) now gains +4 accuracy and damage for every missile against a single target, instead of separate attacks

-Void Prison requires an attack roll versus toughness but gains +5 accuracy

-Templar’s Fury psionic storm gives an endurance test (10+2xPL) to avoid the stagger effect

*Major* New Condition: Boosts and Drains

A new condition has been added into the game: boosts and drains. Boosts are temporary buffs that can apply to a character, while drains are temporary drawbacks. Boosts and drains are both measured in one of 5 categories, with a number value to gauge how severe they are.

Boosts are important because they add standardization to many of the random buffs that can be applied to characters. In addition, because you only use the most powerful boost or drain you have active, many temporary boosts to numbers no longer stack with one another.

The full rules on boosts and drains can be found in the conditions section of the Core Rulebook. This is a review of the different categories of boosts/drains and how they add up.

Mighty: Every point of a mighty boost gives +1 damage and penetration with melee weapons. Mighty drain subtracts 1 point of damage and penetration per point, to a minimum of 0.

Precision: Every point of a precision boost gives +1 accuracy and +1 penetration with ranged weapons. Precision drain subtract 1 point of damage and penetration per point, to a minimum of 0.

Swiftness: Every point of a swiftness boost gives +1 defense. Every 2 points of a swiftness boost lets the character count their agility as 1 higher for determining their movement speed and number of strikes with weapons. Swiftness drain subtract 1 defense per point, to a minimum of 1. Every 2 points of negative swiftness counts the character’s agility as being 1 lower for movement speed and number of strikes.

Skilled: Every point of a Skilled Boost gives +1 to all skill checks. Skilled drain gives -1 to all skill checks per point.

Health: Every point of a health boost gives +1 damage resistance and every two points give +1 damage threshold. Health drains gives -1 to damage resistance and every points of drain give -1 damage threshold.

Boosts and Drains apply mostly to psionic powers, evolution powers, and drugs. The following effects have been changed for the new system.

Terran Chemicals Changes

-Anti-toxin Drawback is now skilled drain (potency)

-Combat Stimulant gives swiftness boost (potency) in addition to the hailfire

-Mental Stimulants give skilled boost (2x potency).

-Rage gives Mighty Boost (2x potency) and the drawback is Mighty Drain (potency)

Sniper’s Glory now gives Precision Boost (2x potency) and Swiftness Drain (potency)

Psionic Powers Changes

-Imbue Form: now gives Mighty Boost (PL) and Swiftness Boost (PL). The benefits from various improved PL levels now correspond with the new boost conditions.

-Rush now gives Swiftness Boost (2) at PL 6

-Muscular Enhancement now gives Mighty Boost (1/2 PL) at Psi Level 4

-Toughness now gives Health Boost (1/2 PL), increasing to Health Boost (PL) at PL 8

-Eternal Form gives Health Boost (PL) for two turns at PL 8; now requires a standard action

-Acceleration now gives increasing levels of swiftness boost

-Deceleration gives increasing levels of swiftness drain

-Void Strength version of Energize Shields now gives Mighty Boost (1/2 PL)

Evolution Powers Changes

-Frenzy EP now gives Swiftness Boost (4) and Mighty Boost (2), still gives temp hit points, and does not give a penalty to defense. Advanced frenzy goes to SB (5) and MG (3)

-Wild Mutation EP now gives Mighty Boost (4) and Health Boost (4), still gives temporary hit points, does not give movement speed. Power increases to MB and HB (6) at master and (8) at paragon

-Corruption EP now gives Health Drain (6/12/18), paragon still reduces armor to 0 but only effects a Burst 1 area

-Bolster Spawns gives Swiftness Boost and Might Boost (5)

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