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Diablo Alpha Update 1-26-22

Now that the Diablo alpha is out, we've begun hacking numbers together to see what this game will look like. Because it is so different, there is a lot of changes to make, including the core game mechanics formula. There are a lot of change to look over.

Core Game Updates

Character base hit points are 60 instead of 40

Spell Damage Calculations have changed:

Light Spell Damage: 10 + level + 2x intelligence

Moderate Spell Damage: 15 + level + 3x intelligence

Medium Spell Damage: 20 + 1.5x level + 3x intelligence

Heavy Spell Damage: 30 + 2x level +4 x intelligence

Lethal Spell Damage: 50 + 3x level +5 x intelligence

Attack overage are being removed from the game. There will be so many attacks in the game, and so many attacks that do not use attack overages, they would unnecessarily slow the game down for how little they add. Characters will instead rely more heavily on choosing certain abilities to vary their damage and try to deal wounds.

Critical Hits: Attack rolls that are a natural 20 ignore the target’s damage resistance or elemental resistance.

Dexterity: Now specifies that it adds its full value to accuracy and damage with dexterity weapons. Dexterity is now a requirement for certain weapons.

Strength: Now specifies that it adds its full value to accuracy and damage with strength weapons.

Full Vitality added to damage resistance.

All sanity DCs have increased 4-5 points.


Martial Prowess: The Warrior archetype gain the new Martial Prowess ability for free. After they perform a standard action attack or full-round action attack, they can perform a bonus standard action melee attack for free before the end of the turn. They cannot use an attack power as part of this ability.

Heroic Strike is now a standard action

Counterattack now works with shield blocks

Sweeping Strike no longer has an accuracy penalty

Executioner’s Strike now gains the bonus of 3x strength + level, instead of previous bonuses

Heroic Valor’s Extra Attack now only allows a bonus standard action attack with no attack powers.

Grand Weapon Mastery now gives +2 power ratings instead of rending


Bash now deals bonus damage equal to 2x strength

Cleave’s attack penalty reduced to -2 accuracy, from -4

Frenzy no longer gives a dexterity bonus to damage

Stun is now a move action instead of a standard

Whirlwind specifies you cannot end your move in an enemy’s square

Wrath and Fury has completely changed. Now you can use a barbarian offense talent power when you use Martial Prowess or Heroic Valor: Extra Attack.

Critical Mastery has completely change. Now, it lets you score critical hits on an 18-20 with melee weapons.

Barbarian Sword Mastery: now causes bleed

Barbarian Axe Mastery: now generates extra rage

Barbarian Mace mastery: now pushes

Barbarian Polearm Mastery: now gives flanking bonuses for allies


Smite is now a move action

Punish now gives bonus damage equal to strength + willpower, and gives +3 block chance instead of 2

Zeal is usable as a standard action and no longer gives accuracy penalties. Instead, it gives bonus accuracy and damage equal to ½ willpower

Slash is usable as a standard action and gains bonus damage equal to willpower.

Improved Zeal now gives you full willpower to accuracy and damage with zeal.

Improved Auras ‘Resist Energy’ now specifies Elemental Resistance

Paladin Sword Mastery: now gives protection per rank of the talent

Paladin Mace Mastery: now gains bonus penetration against undead per rank of the talent


Crusader combat training now also gives +2 accuracy with flails


Double strike no longer has an accuracy penalty, and now deals bonus damage equal to strength if it hits with both attacks

Great Weapon Heave is now a standard action.

Follow Up has completely changed, now allowing you to spend a morale point on activating Heroic Valor or Martial Prowess to get two extra attacks or use a Champion Offense attack power on their bonus attack

Sweeping Charge no longer has an accuracy penalty.

Double Spin is now a standard action and can give up to +8 defense

Impale no longer requires a full-round action, but still requires the target to be flanked or flat-footed.

Heavy Armor Mastery now gives +2 resistance ratings per rank


Quick Draw: The Archer archetype gain the new Quick Draw ability for free. After they perform a standard action attack or full-round action attack, they can perform a bonus standard action ranged attack for free before the end of the turn. They cannot use an attack power as part of this ability.

Deadly shot is now usable as a standard action

Hemorrhaging Shot now gives bonus bleed equal to ½ dexterity instead of attack overages

Quick Shot is now called Improved Quick Draw. Improved Quick Draw gives two bonus attacks when using quick draw.

Flawless Accuracy now gives +5 penetration instead of rending

Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter offense talents now specifies that all of their abilities effect both hand-crossbows, if the demon hunter is using two hand crossbows.

Fan of Knives can be used as a move action, deals 3x dexterity damage instead of 2x, and causes 5 bleed instead of 2

Spray of Teeth now procs on a natural dice roll of 18 or higher

Nightstalker no longer gives rending, but instead gives +10 damage per rank of the talent

The hit points received from Thrill of the Hunt have doubled.

Chakram now deals 20 base damage with 4x dexterity damage


Fire Arrow and Cold Arrow now specifies that they can be used with each attack, including Quick Draw attacks, but the cost must be paid for each attack

Critical Strikes has completely change. Now, it lets you score critical hits on an 18-20 with ranged weapons

Spear Mastery II now allows quick draw to work with spear and javelin attacks.

Jab is usable as a standard action, no longer has an accuracy penalty, and now gives bonus accuracy and damage equal to ½ dexterity.


Guided Arrow specifies it works with Quick Draw attacks

Dagger Mastery now allows quick draw to work with dagger attacks


Trick Shot now specifies flat-footed, instead of denied dexterity

Dagger Mastery now allows quick draw to work with dagger attacks

Hit and Run now works with Quick Draw attacks and is done for free instead of a free action (thus can be done any number of times)


Burning Blade now costs +5 mana, up to 15

Fire Wall now costs +10 mana, up to 40

Meteor now costs +15 mana, up to 50

Hydra now costs +10 mana, up to 40

Ray of Frost now costs +10 mana, up to 25

Blizzard now costs +20 mana, up to 50

Frozen Orb now costs +20 mana, up to 60, and now moves 3 squares per round instead of 5.

Nova now costs +5 mana, up to 25

Chain Lightning now costs +25 mana, up to 50. It now deals medium lightning damage, instead of heavy

Thunderstorm now costs +30 mana, up to 60


Spectral Blade now specifies that it uses intelligence as the core weapon attribute, and now specifies it costs 20 mana to cast.

Familiar now costs +15 mana, up to 25

Mirror Image now costs +40 mana, up to 100

Polymorph now costs +20 mana, up to 25

Blur no longer mentions attack overages


Disintegrate now costs +20 mana, up to 50. Power lost its rending, now rephrases how the hailfire works to not mention attack overages.

Black Hole now has a mana cost mentioned, and that mana cost is 80

Element Swap now specifies it increases the cost by 50%

Warrior Mage

Warrior Mage Spell and Blade Mastery: Now only gives +2 power ratings of damage to one-handed melee weapons, while giving only +1 effective intelligence to spell damage

Spectral Blade now specifies that it uses intelligence as the core weapon attribute, and now specifies it costs 20 mana to cast.

Heroic Strike is now a standard action

Counterattack now works with shield blocks

Sweeping Strike no longer has an accuracy penalty

The Enchanting Expert and Forge Artifact talents have been overhauled based on the Enchanter job reveals (1-22 patreon content).


Mark of Terror now costs +2 mana, up to 5

Grip of Fear now costs +5 mana, up to 10

Banshee Howl now costs +10 mana, up to 20

Self-Loathing now costs +20 mana, up to 30

Mind Numbing Terror now costs +15 mana, up to 25

Weighing Nightmare now costs +40 mana, up to 70

Breath of Diablo now costs +40 mana, up to 80

Chaos Bolt now costs +5 mana, up to 10

Fracture now deals 2 crippling wound points to self

Unholy Ground now costs +10 mana, up to 15

Destructive Enchantment now costs +25 mana, up to 30

Chaos Storm now costs +40 mana, up to 60

Fleshy Growths now cost +10 mana, up to 20

Touch of Destruction now costs +40 mana, up to 60

Power of Baal now costs +50 mana, up to 80

Death Hex costs +10 mana, up to 15

Death Spell now costs +30 mana, up to 60

Lash of Torment now costs +7 mana, up to 10

Blood Dagger now costs +2 mana, up to 5

Toxic Embrace now costs +10 mana, up to 15

Delicious Agony now costs +15 mana, up to 25

Wave of Torment now costs +13 mana, up to 25

Blood Pool now costs +10 mana, up to 30

Presence of Duriel now costs +30 mana, up to 60

Phantom Figures now costs +9 mana, up to 12

Berserk now costs +7 mana, up to 10

Dark Zealotry now cost +7 mana, up to 12

Dark Grasp now costs +15 mana, up to 25

Mass Illusion now costs +20 mana, up to 40


Skeleton Warriors gained +20 hit points and +8 damage

Golem gained +40 hit points, +2 damage resistance, and +6 damage

Golem gained the Unearthly Menace ability, allowing them to taunt on hitting an enemy’s resolve

Golem scaling increased to +5 damage per bonus level

Skeleton Mastery now gives +1/3/5 total bonus levels based on the rank of the talent

Skeleton Archers gained +20 hit points and +8 damage

Skeleton Mages gained +20 hit points and +9 elemental blast damage

Witch Doctor

Zombie dogs gain +10 maximum hit points, and +9 damage

Zombie dog scaling increases to +4 damage per bonus level

Fetishes gained +5 hit points and +15 damage.

Fetish Shaman gained +20 maximum hit points and +8 damage

Gargantuan Zombie gained +30 maximum hit points and +10 damage


Nature Spirit gained +15 hit points

Plant Creeper gained +15 hit points

Wolf gained +10 maximum hit points and +10 damage

Wolf scaling damage increases to +5

Grizzly Bear gained +20 damage

Bear scaling damage increases to +5


Devoted Civilians gained +15 hit points and +8 damage

Holy Warrior gained +15 hit points and +6 damage

Church Acolyte gained +20 hit points and +8 damage

Mercenary mage gained +10 hit points and +8 damage

Martial Artist

Improved Unarmed: Improved Unarmed will no longer have its own separate attack profile. Instead, martial artists gained bonus damage with unarmed attacks equal to 3+ ½ level.

Cascade of Blows is now a standard action

Heavy Blow is now just a standard action and gains bonus damage equal to 2x strength

Sweeping Strike loses its accuracy penalty

Improved Cascade of Blows now gives 2 additional attacks and all attack gain bonus accuracy and damage equal to ½ dexterity

Unarmed Flurry ranks 2 and 3 now gives bonus attacks with heroic valor

Grand Unarmed Master now gives +3 accuracy, penetration, and power ratings with unarmed attacks


Tiger strike has improved to 3x strength bonus damage per combo point

Fists of Fire now deals moderate fire damage for the first point, medium for the second, and medium +10 on the third. The third now damages all targets adjacent to the primary target, instead of in a burst 1.

Dragon claw now gives bonus damage and penetration equal to dexterity

Claws of Thunder increases to moderate spell damage at the first combo point. The third rank does both the line and the burst

Dragon Tail now deals bonus damage equal to strength x combo points spent

Blades of Ice deals moderate cold damage on the first rank, chilled for 2 rounds on the second rank, medium spell damage on the third rank. Failing the Resist Magic check now freezes regardless of the failure rate.

Dragon Flight now deals bonus damage equal to dexterity x combo points spent

Assassin Katar Training no gains +2 power ratings per rank instead of 1.

Lethal Touch no longer gives rending, but now gives +5 penetration

Blade Flurry gained +5 damage

Execute bonus is now 3x dexterity + level


No changes


Aggressive Stance now gives +10 damage to unarmed

Guarded Stance now gives 4 protection on a hit, +5 defense, and 20 protection on an attack power

Counter stance cleave no longer deals half damage

Reckless Stance now gives 2 additional unarmed flurry attacks, and the next attack does not suffer an accuracy penalty

Quick Jab gains bonus damage equal to 2x dexterity

Powerhouse Kick can be used as a standard action and deals 2x strength damage

Uppercut Strike now gains +10 accuracy and damage when used from counter stance

Tackle now works normally with Counter stance

Throat Jab works differently with various forms:

-Aggreesive stance deals +10 mana point drain

-Counter stance gains +10 accuracy

-Reckless stance gives disadvantage on the attack but double mana point drain

Spinning blow can be used as a standard action and has different effects based on the stance

Guarded Stance gives 10 protection per target hit, instead of 20 for 1

Counter stance no longer deals half damage

Improved Brawler Focus: the Improved stances have been improved

-Aggressive stance: unarmed attacks deal +15 damage, and next attack power gains +20 accuracy

-Guarded Stance: Flurry attacks generate 8 protection, stance gives +10 defense, and attack power gives 40 protection

-Counter Stance: next attack power now gives cleaving 3 and advantage

-Reckless Stance: +1 flurry after the attack and next attack gains hailfire 2

-Toss gained +5 damage

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