So I made a mission for my terran party to help a nerazim scholar infiltrate a tal'darim controlled temple looking for some ancient protoss stuff (like stories and history and such) and in return they could take a sample of terrazine that their bosses wanted. Well one of my players is a ghost and he knows what terrazine does in the video game and I was terrified he would try to use it to become a spectre. xD luckily he didn't because I dont want to be the one to have to write up how that works >.<
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I like the bad stuff. xD
Nice. Sounds like a good adventure, like something I have coming up in one of my campaigns!
Terrazine is listed as a drug in the Core Rulebook. BUT, I may go ahead and leak some rules coming in the next supplement, in case they change their mind on that spectre business.
Becoming a Spectre
Becoming a spectre involves finding the right groups, and proving worthy of the psi indoctrination process. Only psionic terrans with the Ghost background can become spectres. The indoctrination procedure takes about a day. Once the player emerges, they gain the Spectre Enhancement talent as a bonus talent. This talent gives them a powerful psionic boon, but also gives them a fatal flaw.
Spectre Enhancement Talent
Requirements: Ghost Background, must have undertaken the Spectre Psi Indoctrination procedure
Benefit: The character has undergone the specter enhancement process and has gained both a psionic enhancement and a drawback. They chose what enhancement they gain when they take this talent, but randomly roll on the spectre drawback table to determine which penalty they receive. This talent can be taken multiple times; each time select an enhancement and roll for a random drawback. Reroll if you have get a drawback you already possess.
When you take the spectre enhancement talent, select one of the following results. A single result cannot be selected more than once.
The character increases 1 psionic mastery level. Therefore, if they were a Basic Telepath they would become Advanced Telepathy. Likewise, Advanced Telepaths become Telekinetics, and likewise Telekinetics become Psychokinetics
Conjure Energy
Regardless of what level of psionic mastery the character is, they gain access to either the Pyromancy or Energy psionic disciplines.
Infinite Energy
The character recovers from energy fatigue very quickly. They gain energy fatigue recovery every round equal to their Psi Level.
Peerless Invisibility
The character is nearly impossible to detect. When cloaking and wearing their Shadowblade Hostile Environment Suit, the character is immune to psionic detection, and enemies using a detection to location them must still succeed a perception check to detect them. The DC for the perception check is 12+ spectre’s Psi Level + Spectre’s ranks in psionics.
Strength and Focus
While wearing the Shadowblade Hostile Enviroment Suit, the spectre channels their psionic power into increasing their strength, speed, reflexes, and power. While wearing their armor, they add ½ their Psi Level to defense, toughness, damage resistance, damage threshold, and attack accuracy.
Void Connection
Through psionic ascension, the spectre has made a connection with the Void. They gain either the Void or Corruption psionic power sources, modifying how their energy psionic powers manifest. In addition, any weapon or ammunition they use that has the Psionic trait gains Psionic Weapon Origin trait that associates with their Psionic Power Source (see Psionic Power Sources later).
Roll on the following table to determine which drawback you receive as per of your procedure. Reroll any results you have already received if you take the talent multiple times.
Bloodlust (1-3) The character is ruled by an overwhelming blood lust that blinds them when they are stressed or wounded. When the character loses a morale level, or fulfills any circumstances that would cause them to lose a morale level, they make an immediate opportunity attack to the closest target, regardless of whether they are friend or foe. This can occur on their turn or on another turn, and does not obey the character’s normal restrictions on numbers of opportunity attacks.
Broken Mind (4-6): Constant exposure to terrazine has left the spectre’s mind shattered and highly unstable. They are easily rattled and often despair. At the start of every one of their turns in an encounter, the character loses a morale level.
Hallucinations (7-10): The character sees hallucinations of other people. Often it is people they know or knew, but it is always a reflection of their subconscious. They are so busy listening to their hallucinations they cannot gain another character’s leadership combat augmentation in an encounter. Furthermore, they occasionally get distracted by the mirages. If they ever roll a 1 on a check in an encounter, their action does not go off and their turn immediately ends.
Odd Behavior (11-14): The character adopts many peculiarities in personality and attitude, such as speaking to themselves in third person, using nonsense words, rambling, or referring to a fictitious spirit or deity that follows them around. The spectre suffers disadvantage on all influence and leadership checks.
Permanent Fever (15-17): The character physical body has been crippled by the exposure to too much terrazine. They suffer -2 to their fortitude ability score, and suffer disadvantage on all endurance checks. If this effect reduces their fortitude to 0, they are instantly killed by the process and cannot be resurrected. Not everyone survives the Psi Indoctrination procedure.
Raging Psychic (18-20): The character cannot control the huge amounts of psionic energy swelling in them. Every psionic power they manifest is boosted and overcharge to the maximum degree, with all the benefits and penalties that come with it.