To go with the StarCraft update, we have a decent DOOM update as well, dedicated to some balance issues, as well as new content! There will still be a much larger update around summer of next year, to go with the completion of the Ancient Gods DLCs.
Doom Update Notes
Specialization Themes
Dual-Wielding Theme
-Battle Master Master Spec now gives +1 agility instead of instinct
Gunner Theme:
-Heavy Gunner Advanced Spec just gives Hailfire (+1) against primary target
Leader Theme
-Military Commander Advanced Spec generates +1 morale and allows you to give a target 2 morale
-Icon of Mankind Master Spec gives you +2 morale bonus under character’s leadership, instead of large benefit with bonus morale
Lunatic Theme:
-Paranoid Basic Spec now makes it so you cannot benefit from other’s leadership and they cannot benefit from yours
-Delusional Advanced spec now makes it you cannot use tactics
-Insane Master spec now makes it you cannot perform any actions on a 1-7, while an 8-9 means only standard actions
Unarmed Combat Theme
-Monk Advanced spec means your unarmed attacks gain Hailfire 1 as long as you are not cleaving or dual-wielding.
Negotiator Theme
-Renamed Icon to Figurehead
-Figurehead no longer has effects on a failed check
Other Updates
-Added 2 new specialization themes: Melee and Ranged
-The Damage Resistance Values of most armors have been increased.
Added 2 more background groups, the Optimistic Survivor and the Religious Background
-Updated all NPCs for the change to defensive fighting
-Gave the Whiplash the cybernetic augments trait
-Gave the Shadow Wraith the Defensive Fighting talent
-Added a new creature: the Pit Beast, inspired by the pinky demon variant of Doom 3
-Added three new melee weapons: the sword, hatchet, and cultist knife. The sword and hatchet can be acquired with background points.
-Changed the Argent Energy, Makyr, and Elemental benefits that the Night Sentinel weapons gain on max upgrade level to be more balanced.